Tura Turizm photo contest offers Istanbul grand priz

Tura Turizm, the largest tour supplier to cruise lines in Turkey, launched its ‘Go with a Smile’ photo contest that offers a grand prize seven-day, four-star hotel package in Istanbul, including two tours.

The picture of Turkey can depict a location/landscape, an event, a person or people, architecture—anything that elicits a smile.

Entrants should post their photos on Tura Turizm’s Facebook page (www.facebook.com/turaturizm) or email images to gowithasmile@turaturizm.com.tr. The entrant whose photo receives the most votes will win the grand prize. Winners will be announced in September.

Tour selections include visits to the Hagia Sophia Museum, Ancient Hippodrome, the Blue Mosque and the Topkapi Palace, as well as a cruise on a sultan’s boat on the Bosphorus Strait. Ten finalists will receive a goodie basket filled with Turkish treats.

Founded in 1966, Tura Turizm has provided tour programs and shore excursions to more than 2.7m visitors to Turkey.